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Open Platinum Evening #5

09 may 7 p.m. - 2 a.m.

Open Platinum Evening #5

Open platine is an evening that allows amateur or professional DJs to make a scene, in an exceptional venue on the Seine. Quai de la photo makes its turntables available, so you can dance the night away.

Sign up to mix in a unique venue on the Seine. Invite your friends, your parents... to spend a dream evening in an idyllic setting!

Register here

Portfolio Afterwork #6

In the boat's showroom 9 port de la Gare, Paris, France

PORTFOLIO AFTERWORK #6 - MONDAY, MAY 20 FROM 6 PM Come to Quai de la Photo with your porfolio to show your work and benefit from some fresh [...].

Tamarae Jam Session

Immerse yourself in a vibrant, jazzy musical universe at Quai de la Photo with the talented Tamarae and her guests! Starting at 7pm, join us for an exceptional concert featuring [...]